Orders can take 1-2 weeks before they are shipped, please watch your email and/or PayPal for the tracking number when it ships.
I am traveling for work, so any orders placed after today may take 2-3 weeks to ship.
Delayed Orders
With the current state of supply chains, I am receiving filament, electronics, and other hardware at random times. There are quite a few items that are back ordered. I am trying to fulfill orders as fast as I can, but if you have any concerns please reach out to me.
Order Delays
Currently I am waiting for an order from Digikey to be fulfilled. This means I cannot ship out any pro cases until this order arrives. Any order you place will be a pre-order, and fulfilled as soon as the components arrive.
V3 Case Pro & Standard Now Available
I am happy to finally announce that V3 of my popular case is now ready for sale. Please view the Shop section above, and read the description, view the assembly video’s to answer any questions you may have.
Also, as you may be able to tell, I updated the website to be more sales orientated. So if any issues arise please reach out to be through the contact information.
Version 3.0
Currently working on a V3.0 of my popular 3D printed case. Soon these will go out to beta testers and then will go into production.
I cannot provide an ETA, pricing or any details. But I will say this new version is leaps ahead of my old design and the competition.

Black Aero 2020 Holiday Sale
It is that time of the year again!
As usual, I will be selling my Eggfinder LCD Case for $20.00, plus shipping. Please note, this case includes all hardware, including screws, spaces, switches, etc. If you are looking to upgrade your Eggfinder setup, you may want to consider purchasing the Black Aero case during this sale.
This sale will occur between 11/14/2020 and 12/14/2020, and the price decrease will be viewable at that time
Also, please check out the Eggtimer Sale thread, found here. They have amazing products, and you should consider them for all of your rocketry electronics.
Delayed Orders
I will be out of town between 08/01/2020 and 08/09/2020, any order placed during this time, will be sent out the week of 08/10/2020. I apologize for the delay.
V2 Eggfinder LCD Case
Eggfinder LCD Case V2.
I want to apologize, the case is almost ready to be sold. Currently the case is being tested by a 3rd party and once updates are made, the case will be mass printed.
After that it will be sold here and an announcement will be made on The Rocketry Forum. I wanted to get it finished for the Holiday’s, but I wanted to ensure the case is ready before releasing it.